
This website (sujipthapa.com) is a blog website (referred to as "we" in this document). The term "you" refers to the user or visitor of the website.

  • The contents published on our website is for general information sharing only. The blog primarily contains the programming tips, tutorials, and ideas for developers around the world.
  • It's your own choice either to reading the articles published on the blog or leave the platform.
    If you do not accept our privacy policies, you should immediately consider terminating the usage of the content from the website now.
  • In the posts written on the blog, all the opinions are based on the author's choice and don’t reflect the idea from any other people or company.
  • The pieces of information provided are accurate and are legit to the best of the author's knowledge, experience, and expertise, but there may be omissions, errors, mistakes.
  • We take no responsibility for errors or omissions in the resources presented on the website.
  • If you personally or your company makes use of the content, idea, tools provided by us, you should take it at your own risk.
  • The articles we publish periodically may contain external links, so with those links which are not maintained by us are not affiliated with our website in any way.
  • Be sure that we do not take any guarantee, that they will be accurate, reliable, secure about any of the information provided in those external web pages.
  • We have clearly stated everything about the data collection, usage of data and cookies rules through our privacy policy statement.
  • We reserve the right to modify or add content on our website at any time without prior notice. We encourage you to visit the changes on this page often.

If you need any further information, feel free to drop an email via our contact form.

Last Revised — Aug 2023